Why Choose Us?

  • Quality

    We are the leading development and construction firm for bunkers.
  • Support

    We are always ready to help you with current problems and problems you didn't know could come.
  • Experience

    With our multi year experience we know the business from the in and outside.
We design, construct and deliver nuclear proof bunkers, fallout shelters and safe rooms.
We are specialized in designing custom made, nuclear proof underground bunkers. You can visit our site in Sweden any time, to feel and see each of our designs yourself.
We have spend decades designing, constructing and wireframing the ideal nuclear proof, underground bunker that fits with our Scandinavian interior design. This allows us to maximize the usage of each 1m3.

Our bunkers will not only provide you safety and security from nuclear and direct bomb hit, but also gives you joy while spending your time underground. Why?
That is our secret and the answer too why we spend so much time on designing our interior. You don't believe us?

Come and visit our bunkers in person in Sweden and even enjoy 1 night underground.

See how it's done
Get a preview of our installation process and a sense of scale. We count with the most precise and professional team in Europe.